An Example of Procedural Rules for Families Is:

Procedural Programming Tutorial

Procedural Programming

Introduction To Procedural Paradigm

The procedural programming aims at dividing the large programme into smaller programs chosen procedures. The procedures are also alternately referred to as subprograms , subroutines, methods or functions.

In procedural programming , the plan code is organized every bit set of procedures called functions. These functions operate on the program data called the variables.

In procedural programming , the plan information is in the grade of variables. The functions  operate on the program data. Each function consist of computational statements and solves a role of the problem.

Procedural Programming

The procedural programming continues to exist the preferred choice for the beginners as a first programming language. The C procedural language is extensively used in the industry for the system programming.

Despite the appearance of other paradigms ,the procedural programming paradigm is still very pop and a part of the syllabus in about of the educational institutes and universities.

The procedural programming is a programming paradigm that is derived from structured programming. And the structured programming is derived from imperative prototype.

Procedural Programming Paradigm

This tutorial will assist you acquire the procedural programming paradigm in the most simplified language. In this tutorial, you volition likewise learn important features of the procedural programming , its advantages and disadvantages, and other important related topics .

Let the states outset with a uncomplicated introduction to the procedural programming.

Procedural Programming

Table Of Contents

What Is Procedural Programming ?

The procedural programming paradigm is also alternately referred to every bit procedure oriented programming . The procedure is a cardinal element of this image.

In procedural programming , the programme code is divided into grouping of smaller programs called functions. Each function performs a specific chore depending upon the plan logic.

As the proper name suggest,  the procedural programming the plan code is organized in the course of procedures. These procedures are also called as subroutines or functions.

Procedural Program Organization

The function can admission and operate upon its own local data also every bit global data shared past all the functions.

In procedural programming , the function becomes the most important component of the program and the functions have unrestricted access to the global data.

Each procedure or subroutine consist of gear up of program statements to complete a specific task . The program can have may procedures and the procedure can be called many times in the program lawmaking.

Definition Of Procedural Programming

The procedural programming paradigm is defined as a programming paradigm ( program arrangement style ) that allows the plan to be organized equally a set of functions.

Any  function tin be called many times in the programme code as and when required to perform the same task.

In this paradigm , the program statements are grouped together based on the functionality. These grouping of statements tin can exist named suitably as part as per the language syntax.

For example , we tin can grouping program statements that accepts two number as user input , then add these numbers and return the issue value.

Office Declaration

Function Declaration

Procedural Program Organization

The procedural plan code is written equally sequence of subroutines ( functions or procedures ).

The procedures can either be divers into the main program lawmaking or outside the master program code into a carve up header file.

In guild to improve the readability of the code, the subroutines can also exist defined in a carve up file that tin be included in the master program equally a header file.

In procedural programming , when the program size is becomes large then the program code is divide into grouping of smaller programs called procedures or subroutines.

Program Organization

Procedural Program Organization Example

Each subroutine performs a specific task. For example , the programmer can write a subroutine to add two or more numbers or subtract numbers .

The subroutine or procedure can be written to perform repetitive task in the plan code as per the program logic. This helps to eliminate the repetition of code.

The well organized procedural program code is relatively much easier to read and debug . Such code is also easier to maintain.

The program code in the procedural programming is exacted sequentially using a top-downwardly approach.

Features Of Procedural Programming

The procedural programming image has some important features . These features define the programme organization , program execution sequence and the scope of the variables.

  • Pinnacle Down Arroyo.
  • Header Files Proclamation.
  • Predefined Functions.
  • User Divers Functions.
  • Role Parameters.
  • Passing Values To The Function.
  • Variable Scope.
  • Global And Local Variable.

Height Down Approach

The top down approach defines the execution sequence of the plan . In this approach the plan execution starts at the elevation and the programme statements are executed ane after another.

However , the programmer has many options to change the plan execution sequence past using programme flow command statements.

Header Files Annunciation

The header files offers a user-friendly manner to organize the program code in procedural programming. The header file inclusion statements are declared at the tiptop section of the program.

The header files can contain predefined library functions . For example , in C language programming, the Stdio.h ( Header File ) files contains the standard function declarations for normally used input and output functions.

The header file tin can also contain library of used defined functions for mutual functionality that can be used in many software projects.

Predefined Library Functions

Most procedural programming language offer extensive library of predefined functions. These library functions are available and can be readily used in the program code.

It is simply now possible for the developer to write all the functions required for the desired functionality. And therefore , the predefined library functions are used to reduce the overall development time.

User Defined Library Functions

All procedural programming linguistic communication offer programmer selection to write the user defined functions. The user tin define these functions to handle the specific functionality into the program code.

The developer can create the library of functions that can be unremarkably used in many software development projects.

Function Parameters

In uncomplicated words , the parameters are the identify holders that holds the values passed on to the function in the function call statement in the program code.

The role declaration defines the listing of the parameters that must be sent to the office . The number of parameters and its data blazon depends upon the functionality performed by the function.

The function paradigm argument and the function proclamation defines the number of parameters , its order and the data type of the arguments ( passed values ).

Passing Values To The Function

The role declaration contains the details of the parameters that are required to be sent to the function during the function call.

The parameters are variables that works similar a placeholder for the values sent to the function. The values can exist passed to the role either past value or by reference.

The parameters declared in the function prototype announcement is referred as parameter. Whereas  the actual values that are passed during the function call are referred as arguments.

Variable Telescopic

The telescopic of the identifier decides the accessibility of that identifier within the program code. The variable scope defines the accessibility and the visibility of the variable.

For example , a variable declared within the part block is treated as a local variable . The local variable can be accessed anywhere within the part body.

Whereas, the variable declared outside the role block is treated as a global variable . The global variable tin can be accessed anywhere in the program code.

Since the global variable can exist access and operated by any function makes it vulnerable inadvertent change and this might affect the functionality of the other functions that likewise share the same data.

Advantages And Disadvantages of Procedural Programming

The procedural programming has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages Of Procedural Programming

  1. The procedural programming languages are relatively much easier to larn as get-go programming language for the beginners.
  2. The straight forward programme organization makes it ideal option as a full general purpose language.
  3. The procedural programming language such as C Language is still being used for many awarding.
  4. The C language has extensive library of functions suitable for various applications. This prewritten code already used and tested is readily available to the programmer.
  5. The use of standard library functions bring downwardly significant reduction in the overall development cost and time.
  6. The concept of pointers in the procedural programming C language allows low level memory operations.

Disadvantages Of Procedural Programming

  1. The procedural programming is not suitable for large and circuitous software project.
  2. It is difficult to represent the real earth objects realistically in the procedural programming. Whereas , in object oriented programming , it is much easier to represent the real world objects.
  3. Information technology is difficult to protect the data from inadvertent changes since most information is by and large global leading to the problem of spaghetti code.
  4. The software maintenance is relatively hard for a procedural programming software.
  5. For procedural programming image , the function is the about important component of the programme and the information does not get the due attending.

Difference Between Procedural Programming And Object Oriented Programming

Permit us now understand the difference between the  procedural image arroyo and the Object Oriented Programming ( OOP ) approach.

Procedural Epitome

  1. The procedural paradigm decomposes the program into gear up of functions.
  2. The procedural paradigm is based on top downward arroyo for program execution.
  3. The procedural paradigm gives unrestricted access to the global information and data access cannot be controlled using access specifier .
  4. The function is the most of import component of the procedural epitome.
  5. The procedural prototype cannot bind the data and function together.
  6. It is difficult to correspond the real globe objects.
  7. The procedural paradigm is not suitable for large and complex software.
  8. In procedural paradigm, it is difficult to add new functionality.
  9. In procedural paradigm, the software maintenance is hard.
  10. In procedural epitome, It is difficult to protect the data from inadvertent changes .

OOP Image

  1. The OOP paradigm decomposes the program into set of objects.
  2. The OOP paradigm is based on lesser upward arroyo for program execution.
  3. The OOP paradigm does not give unrestricted access to the data. The data admission tin be tightly controlled using the admission specifier .
  4. The data is the nearly important component of the OOP epitome.
  5. The OOP paradigm can demark the data and function together as a course.
  6. It is much easier to represent the existent world objects in OOP image.
  7. The OOP prototype is suitable for a big and complex software.
  8. In OOP epitome, information technology is much easier to add new functionality.
  9. In OOP epitome, the software maintenance is relatively much easier.
  10. In OOP epitome, It is possible to protect the data from inadvertent changes .

Instance Of Procedural Programming.

Procedural Programming Example

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